Monday, 21 April 2014

Tips For Choosing The Perfect Gloss For Your Lips

One should remember that perfection is ten percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration. So searching for the lip gloss that best suits the lip color and lip tone one has is an endeavor that requires patience, perseverance and a little (just a little) bit of luck. Hopefully, the following tips will better the chances of discovering the lip gloss that best suits the lips you have on you.

1. Be open, do not forget to experiment!

There are numerous brands of lip gloss and the prices of each vary. A $7 lip gloss bought at a neighborhood drugstore is not necessarily inferior in quality compared to an $18 Poole lip gloss compact. Lips could only appreciate the texture, smoothness, silkiness of the gloss or feel its heaviness, stickiness, or icky-ness. Little do lips care about how much the lip gloss cost or where it was bought. Though high-end lip glosses at times do offer a super-glossy feel that it almost glides delightfully on the lips, there are also not too expensive lip glosses like Bonne Bell which could give the high-end brands a run for their money. A label is not everything. Sometimes, a great find could be found in dollar stores. Try your luck, win or lose, its all worth a dollar. But, if buying in a drugstore or at Wal-mart, make sure that extensive research has been done on the lip gloss product you are considering of buying since drugstores offer no testers.

2. A Gloss Is Not Forever

- Reapply to preserve the dye

- Some brands, even the best ones, fade off after a few hours

- Some people really do not like the feel of a heavy gloss

- Judge by your lip color not anyone else’s

3. Selection Tips

Make sure to choose a lip gloss based on the lip color you have since the color of your lips automatically affects the color of the gloss applied on it. Never choose based on how good or bad a lip gloss looks on Jennifer Anniston or Angelina Jolie. Jennifer has thin pale lips while Angelina has full pucker-up ones. Naturally, yours is similarly worlds apart from theirs, if not better. Lip gloss colors appear differently on different kinds of people. One’s own lip color plays an important part because your natural lip color will shine through. So does your natural lip tone, the pigmentation of the lip gloss, how convenient is it when applied and whatever it is you’re looking for a lip gloss. Clearly this is as unique, individual and personalized as it could be.

4. Not All That Glitters Is Good

No matter how great it looks, make sure that the lip gloss put on the lips feels comfortable, as if it’s almost like it wasn’t there. Lip gloss glitter that feels gritty or sharp should not be tolerated by the lips or by you. Do not be afraid to return it to the store and politely explain to the store clerk or – preferably – the store manager your problem. It should be exchanged for another less grittier tube. But if the same trouble persists maybe it is time to change to a different brand, specifically one that has not too much glitter that it hurts.

Be realistic, lip gloss gives lips a smooth shimmer, it does not provide anyone with kissable cottony-soft lips. Lip balms do that. Balms are not shiny. But it makes lips feel supple. Apply a balm over the lips first before putting on a lip gloss, this is to moisturize the lips. Gloss is supposed to be – you’ve guessed it – glossy. If it does not, troop to the shop or store where it was bought from, you are supposed to get the product you purchased for.

Combing Hair 10 Tips For Proper Hair Combing

Most people consider hair combing a routine activity. There are people who keep a particular hair style throughout their life. On the other hand, younger generations adopt new hair styles according to new trends.

To have a healthy hair, proper nutrition is required. General health has direct relation with the quality and quantity of hair. In order to make your hair beautiful, you need regular washing, use of hair oil, proper combing, etc.

Tips for combing hair:

1. To choose the best comb, you must take into account the nature of your hair (soft or hard, short or long), convenience and style.

2. Combing hair should be done with greatest care and concentration. If you comb without any care, you can cause damage to your hair.

3. Combing hair should be done gently. A vigorous combing can encourage hair falling.

4. Do not comb wet hair. First dry your hair with a towel and then put some oil and gently massage it. After this is done, the combing will be easy and undamaging.

5. Combing hair in the opposite direction of hairs must be avoided. This will cause hair falling.

6. Vigorous combing in backward direction can cause traction baldness.

7. Frequent combing can damage the hair follicles and the scalp. Combing hair 2 or 3 times in a day is sufficient.

8. The tooth of the comb must not be sharp. The comb should not be pressed too tightly on the scalp.

9. Clean the comb before and after use in order to prevent hair and dirt from depositing in the gap. Combing hair with dirty comb can be difficult and painful.

10. Do not use other people’s combs. This will prevent fungal and bacterial infections.

Natural Home Treatment For Cellulite


“Cellulite” is a skin condition that gives the appearance of small bumps and ripples under the skin. The bumps are caused by the underlying fat cells growing too large and stretching the natural fiber compartments that hold the skin to the underlying layers of tissues.

“Cellulite” is ordinary fat, but ordinary fat that affects the appearance of the skin. Strands of fibrous collagen tissue connect the skin to the subcutaneous layers and also separate compartments that contain fat cells. When fat cells increase in size, these compartments bulge and produce a rippled appearance of the skin.

Women tend to have cellulite more often than men because they have a vertical pattern of collagen in the underlying layer that holds the fat cells, and when the fat cells become very large, they bulge out of the chambers and appear as cellulite.

In men, the pattern of collagen is tighter, in a diagonal pattern, and they have thicker skin, so there is less bulging of the individual fat cells. Another factor in cellulite is high levels of estrogen, since this hormone has a direct effect on the holding capacity of fat cells through the increase of alpha-adrenoreceptors, the chemical doorways that tell your fat cells to hold on to their contents. Poor diet, bad circulation, and poor lymphatic circulation can all contribute to the appearance of cellulite.


There are several extra steps you can take for the treatment of cellulite. Consider your skin care regimen, and fine-tune it to meet the needs of skin that has a tendency to swell with fluids, store fat and have poor circulation.

Nutrition: Although cellulite is a skin condition, it’s closely tied to the storage of excess fat. If you are significantly overweight, you should certainly alter your diet. The dietary enzyme bromelain can improve overall circulation to your skin and adipose tissues by removing the buildup of fibrin on the walls of blood vessels. Treating cellulite requires a two-pronged approach – one being the shrinking of the fat cells themselves, the second being the regeneration of collagen and strengthening of the skin outside of the swollen fat cells.

Cleansing: When cleaning your skin, use your wash cloth or loufah to massage the area where cellulite occurs. At first, use a circular motion and then a brushing motion upwards towards the bowels. This will improve circulation and edema, and help remove toxins and metabolic wastes out of the tissues and interstitial spaces around the collagen and fat cells.

Other Treatments:

- Dry Skin Brushing: Learn to dry brush your skin at least twice every day – upon rising and before going to bed. Skin brushing provides many benefits in the treatment of cellulite. First of all, it’s “exercise” for you skin, and strengthens the underlying dermis and pattern of collagen in the subcutaneous layer. It stimulates the growth and repair of the tissues by increasing blood flow to the area. It also helps remove toxins and metabolic wastes out of the interstitial fluids surrounding the tissues for disposal. Dry brushing is good for you skin all over, but if you are suffering from spider or varicose veins, brushing these areas vigorously several times every day, first in a circular motion and then upwards towards the colon, can improve the appearance of cellulite.

- Hormones: Cellulite is often associated with the use of HRT and birth control pills. High levels of estrogen from these medications can cause an increase in the fatty tissues ability to store fats and cause them to bulge, pushing out the skin and causing cellulite. If you are using birth control pills for contraception, you may want to ask your doctor for a lower-estrogen dose formula or a non-hormonal form, such as an IUD. If you are on HRT, you may want to consider switching to a lower dose, adding progesterone cream, or using a weaker formula, such as an estrone cream.

- Habits: Get out of the habit of crossing your legs, knees and ankles. This reduces circulation and increases swelling. Try to keep moving regularly, neither sitting nor standing for long periods.

- Exercise: Regular exercise is necessary for the improvement of cellulite. Not only does it help reduce the appearance of cellulite by burning the fatty acids that are causing the cellulite. It also improves circulation and helps to remove toxin-filled wastes away from the skin. Take up a walking program, or sneaking in a set of exercises in the restroom during breaks.

- Body Wraps: Body wraps, both professional and homemade can improve the appearance of cellulite. Body wraps use a combination of minerals and herbs that stimulate the fat cells to release their contents, they absorb toxins from the skin and reduce swelling. Generally you will find stimulant herbs like kelp or algae that stimulate the fat burning process in the cells. You will find cosmetic clays that will remove toxins and wastes from the pores, and horsetail and horse chestnut that reduce edema (swelling) and provide minerals for strengthening the skin. These formulas are applied to the skin with the use of compression wraps. For recipes for doing home wraps, go to the Botanical Beauty Lab website.

- Massage: Massage, particularly the kind that improves lymph flow, is very good for reducing the appearance of cellulite. It improves the removal of metabolic wastes and toxins from the interstitial tissues around the adipose tissues, and gives the skin a smoother appearance. There are many professionals offering massage for cellulite, including lymphatic massage and endermology, but if that is out of your budget, you may want to try a home massage device. Many are available, from a simple round-prong hand tool to a powered massager that provides heat, massage and suction similar to the professional endermology machines.


Alfalfa: Alfalfa is a natural diuretic that helps balance the body’s interstitial fluids and reduces edema and swelling. It’s also a phytoprogesterone, which helps balance the excess estrogen that can exacerbate cellulite.

Borage Oil: Borage oil contains high amounts gamma linoleic acid, which is an important fatty acid to the strengthening of cell walls.

Bromelain: Bromelain is a naturally occurring enzyme in natural foods that aid in the digestion of proteins. The consumption of bromelain aids in the removal of fibrin buildup in fine blood vessels. This improves and increases circulation to the skin, and aids in repair and rejuvenation.

Horsetail: Horse Chestnut herb contains high levels of the mineral silica, which is used in the repair and maintenance of skin cells.

Cider Vinegar contains an array of important enzymes and aids in balancing body pH. It’s also a good source of potassium, which is necessary for fluid balance in the body.

Coconut Oil contains medium chain triglycerides which are easily absorbed and used by the body for fuel. It has the capability of stimulating the thyroid gland, which increases body temperature and metabolism and is known for improving the burning of excess fat.

Ginkgo Biloba is a natural blood thinner that increases the microcirculation to skin and fat cells.

Gotu Kolu is a natural source of caffeine. Caffeine stimulates the beta-adrenoreceptors on the surface of the fat cells to release their stores of fatty acids, aiding in the burning of excess fat.

Green Tea: Green tea is a mild stimulate that contains caffeine as well as powerful antioxidants that aid in the proper replication and repair of skin cells.

MSM: Is an important mineral that is necessary for skin cell repair.


Aloe Vera contains alatoin, which sooths and heals skin. It has been shown clinically to increase microcirculation of the skin and to speed healing of skin tissues.

Betonite Clay is a natural mineral clay that is known for its ability to absorb impurities and toxins from the skin through the pores.

Horsetail, ginkgo biloba, kelp and green tea also work externally and can be added to lotions or creams for massage into problem areas.

Many experts have recommended using coffee grounds as a scrub for cellulite prone areas. The grounds work as an exfoliant, as the caffeine absorbs into the skin and stimulate the beta adrenoreceptors in the fat cells to release their contents.

Dead Sea Salts and Kelp or bladderwrack contain powerful minerals that aid in the repair of skin cells as well as the mineral iodine which can aid in the metabolism of the underlying fat cells.

There are also many commercial formulas and methods for the reduction of cellulite.

Most contain caffeine or a similar chemical called theophylline or aminophylline.

Many also contain kelp, bladderwrack and other herbs mentioned herein.

Just remember that cellulite reduction is a two step process. The cause of cellulite is over-sized fat cells that have stretched out the collagen structure underlying the skin. The first step is to reduce bodyfat, and many herbs and nutrients both external and external can accelerate the process. The second step is to increase the strength of the skin and the collagen webs under the subcutaneous tissues. Skin and collagen require vitamins, minerals and fatty acids to rebuild themselves properly. Excess fluids can exacerbate the problem, so proper fluid intake and circulation is important. Drink plenty of fluids, and stay active to increase the circulation of the lymph system. With a little diligent effort the appearance of cellulite can be reduced.

Types Of Teeth Whitening

Whiter teeth are a staple in the health and beauty industry. Never would you see a model or celebrity with yellow or stained teeth. Let’s face it, whiter teeth brings confidence. There are several ways for the average person to obtain a whiter and brighter smile, here are the most popular.

Dentist Whitening

We will start out at the priciest end of the spectrum with professional whitening in dental office. Most dentists use a Carbamide Peroxide in the form of a gel and provide customized dental trays molded by plaster casts of your teeth. These trays reduce the risk of whitening lines due to the fact they are made just for you. In contrast, most at-home-kits provide the same Carbamide Peroxide, just not the form fitting tray. Dentists charge up to $600 for this treatment, mainly to cover time and office costs.

At Home Whitening Gels

For a much cheaper price, we are able to obtain whiter teeth in the comfort of our own home by using at-home-kits. Most of these kits contain the same strength Carbamide Peroxide formula as your dentist or possibly a more powerful formula. Another benefit of at home whitening is the price. You’re not paying a dentist or his employees, so you will find yourself paying hundreds less than you would at a dental office. Some quality kits can go as low as $39! The only real downside of an at home kit is the quality of the dental tray as it’s typically a boil and bite mouthpiece. You may find these a little less comfortable than their dentistry counterpart.

Whitening Strips

The results from whitening strips are usually less than desired. Major brands and off-brands have been known to disappoint, showing a mild effect over the course of a month. The problem is that most pharmaceutical backed companies are looking for a way to make a reoccurring profit from it’s consumers. Thus keeping a weaker product on the shelves keep you coming back until desired results are acquired. In some cases this could be months or years.

Whitening Toothpastes

Whitening toothpastes seem to have little or no effectiveness. I myself recently tested a popular toothpaste brand, known for it’s supposed whitening power. I realized that at most, one line of past could only contain a mild active ingredient and you would have to brush your teeth for an hour for any noticeable result over a period of a month. Whitening toothpastes seem to be a marketing ploy that sells more from us being so eager for improvement.

In conclusion, the real contenders here are Dental and At home Whitening Kits. They will provide you with your desired results in the shortest amount of time. Saying that, at home whitening kits allow you to save hundreds of dollars and the peace and quiet of your own home… and no eerie dentist offices.

10 Steps To Look Younger

The secret of the youth has been searched since long time ago. Many researchers have done some experiments to find ways to slow down the aging process.

There are some techniques which have been implemented, but the most important things for us to do are being consistent in implementing healthy lifestyle and eating habits.

We can’t stop the natural change, but we can still look younger if we want to work hard to slow down the aging process.

Therefore, I’m going to help you with 10 easy steps to make you look younger:

Detox – It’s important to start detoxification, getting rid of toxin from our body. Our body metabolism has done that process, but in everyday life we are exposed to so many chemical hazards from air, food and environment. Fasting or just consuming fruits and vegetables are ways to detoxify our body.

Sleep – Having enough sleep at least 6-8 hours a day will make our skin healthier. Having a good sleep is also important because growth hormone is working during that time. It renews the old cell of our body, include the skin cell. Our skin will look fresh and young if we have enough sleep.

Food – Eating healthy and safe food everyday will make our body fit, slim and also look younger. Try to eat more fish instead of red meat. Fiber food, vegetables, fruits, and supplements are important food to consume. Drink less coffee and other caffeine beverages.

Exercise – Through routine exercise, we will feel happier, energetic, and confident. It also increases our bone density and muscle which can make our body look 15-20 years younger. Beside aerobic, walking, and swimming, goes also to the gym to do lifting exercise.

Relax – By trying to be relaxed, our face will look younger. Stress and worries appear on our face. If we can manage our stress and feel at peace, our face will look younger and attractive.

Be Positive – A positive mind and affirmation we said can bring positive life to us. Negative thought tend to bring failure and make us look older and unattractive. Meditation is one way to make positive thoughts.

Medical Check-up – Just like a car, our body also needs attention and care so it can work well everyday. Having routine medical checkups during our healthy time is important to recognize diseases as soon as possible.

Active Life – Always try to be active during your life. Activities can increase health; and if you are in your elder age, your memory will increase too.

Social Life – Happy social life can increases our spirit, bring peaceful mind, and make us feel and look younger. Communication with our friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, and others can bring happiness to us.

Performance – Start to look at our performance. Is our body weight ideal for us? If not, try to fix that to the best ideal weight. Also look to the skin, hair, nail and teeth. Those are important as they will show our age. Looks good and feels good will increase our performance.

The Ultimate Facial Sauna

One of the great benefits of sauna and steam baths are the toning effects on the skin. They leave the skin soft, supple and glowing – in short, beautiful. Regular users of sauna and steam baths have an appealing healthy glow about them that adds to their attractiveness.

The reason that sauna and steam are so good for the skin is the deep cleaning action caused by heavy perspiration. The pores open wide and all the accumulated dirt can be easily washed out.

The best benefits for skin toning come from full body sauna, but for those looking for a quick fix-up to their complexion can get similar results from facial sauna systems. These ‘mini-saunas’ are designed to apply steam to the face for the same deep cleaning action as a full sauna or steam bath.

How They Work

A facial sauna has an electric heating element on the bottom of the unit. It heats the water (which is held in a small reservoir) to the boiling point, causing the steam to rise. The small size of the reservoir ensures that steam is quickly produced.

An ergonomically designed mask is placed over the reservoir to capture and funnel the steam to your face. You can control the amount of steam that your face is exposed to by the distance of the mask to your face.

Bringing your face into direct contact with the mask gives the maximum deep cleaning action, but this position should only be used for a few moments at a time. After about 10 seconds, raise your head to allow cooler air to be mixed with steam. Repeat this cycle as many times as needed.

Facial saunas are not only for deep cleansing the skin; they are also useful for unclogging stuffed sinuses. Anyone with a simple cold or a more serious condition like bronchitis, sinusitis, asthma and hay fever can use the facial sauna as an inhaler or vaporizer.

Some facial saunas have a separate inhaler attachment. Instead of fitting over the entire face, the inhaler attachment fits over the nose and mouth. Simply breathe in the steam to provide almost instant relief from sinus pain.

Operating Tips

Most facial saunas have a very small reservoir so that the water can heat up fast. The downside of this is that the water evaporates quickly, so if you wish to use the sauna for an extended session, you should keep a tall glass of water by your side. This way, you can quickly refill the reservoir when it goes dry.

The small reservoir, unfortunately, also means that the facial sauna cannot be used as an overnight vaporizer. If your sinuses are keeping you awake at night, you would be better off with a traditional vaporizer that provides steam for several hours.

Steam is great for deep cleaning the skin, but for an additional beauty treatment you can add special cleaners such as tea tree oil to the water. Just a few drops of this oil will give your skin an even brighter glow and leave it feeling fresh and supple.

Facial saunas are relatively inexpensive — usually less than $60. For this price, almost everybody can enjoy the deep cleaning action and the special ‘glowing’ skin that marks regular sauna users apart from the crowd.

Tips For A Healthy Clear Complexion

For many women, visiting the skin care aisle at the drugstore can be as intimidating as ordering from all the complicated hot beverages on offer at the trendy local coffee shop. From blemish control to exfoliating to deep cleansing, products today offer an often dizzying range of ingredients and benefits claims. However, finding a targeted skin care solution that’s right for you doesn’t have to be difficult-in fact, with the right guidance, it can be a whole lot simpler than ordering a venti, chai, decaf, vanilla skim latte with extra foam.

Celebrity makeup artist Tasha Reiko Brown shares knowledge on how to best tackle common skin care concerns, with some helpful tips on choosing the right products:

Problem: Do I need to exfoliate? It seems harsh.

Solution: One of the best ways to cleanse is by exfoliating. It stimulates the skin as you cleanse, giving your face a nice and radiant glow. Try cream-based cleansers with skin-smoothing microbeads that gently exfoliate to help reveal fresh, polished skin. For best results, make little circles with fingertips in a clockwise motion. Pay extra attention to the thicker, oily areas of your face to achieve an all-over glow.

Problem: I don’t have much time to tend for my skin.

Solution: For the woman who is looking for an effective and efficient skin care solution, deep cleansing can be as basic and satisfying as pouring a simple cup of joe. Try the Noxzema Original Cleansing Cream. A tried-and-true classic, it dissolves oil while conditioning skin, without overdrying, leaving skin feeling clean, soft and smooth in one easy step. Best of all, you can feel its signature eucalyptus-infused formula working as it deep cleans. And this invigorating beauty staple comes in Original and Plus Moisturizers.

Problem: I can never seem to beat blemishes.

Solution: The key to not only beating but also preventing blemishes is to use products that deep clean but are also gentle enough to use on a daily basis. Always look for products that contain salicylic acid, which is a proven ingredient to fight acne blemishes and breakouts. Salicylic acid can be found in toners, cleansers and cleansing pads, so you can pick and choose the best combination for your lifestyle.

Problem: Traveling interrupts my beauty regimen.

Solution: No matter how busy you are, never skimp out on facial cleansing in your daily beauty routine. Dirty skin looks dull and sallow, and it’s more prone to breakouts. Try products that are de- signed for the girl on the go, such as premoistened cleansing cloths that will quickly remove dirt, oil and makeup for an efficient deep clean.

Using these simple tips to demystify your most common skin care problems, your perfect skin solution should become clear.

Sensible Beauty Tips For Enhancing Your Appearance

There are many simple beauty tips that don’t have to take up a lot of time. These simple tips can be accomplished in a matter of minutes and can have a noticeable improvement on your appearance. These beauty tips include simple suggestions such as getting enough sleep each night, drinking plenty of water each day and completely removing your makeup each night.

Getting adequate sleep is one of many simple beauty tips that simply cannot be overlooked. Consistently getting inadequate sleep can have a negative effect on your appearance. Under eye circles is just one of the many unsightly side effects of not getting enough sleep.

Drinking enough water each day to maintain hydration is another of the very important beauty tips. While studies have shown that drinking water does not affect the moisture levels in the skin, dehydration, however, can affect the appearance of the skin in an undesirable way. To avoid an unhealthy pallor to the skin and eyes that appear dull and sunken it is wise to maintain sufficient hydration levels each day.

Another one of the very simple beauty tips available is to completely remove your makeup each night. This is important because failure to do so could begin to have effects on the skin. The clogged pores that result from not removing your makeup each night can result in unattractive skin problems such as acne or blackheads.

Producing Perfume From Home

Some people find it hard to find the right perfume. This may smell good when this is sprayed into the air but this changes when this reacts with the skin. Those who are tired of this problem can stop looking and instead make one .

The first step is to get all the materials together. A lot of people focus on the oils and the other liquids and forgetting the basics such as the test tubes, glass beakers and measuring cups.

People should avoid using materials made of metal or plastic because these may alter the scent. Glass stir rods should also be used because this will allow the oils to mix better instead of just shaking it.

Since the mixture has to be stored for two days before transferring it into a bottle, the lids should be tight to prevent the liquids from evaporating into the air.

When everything is ready, it is time to mix the oils together. Many of these are extracted from plants and some last longer than others thus creating base, middle and top notes.

Examples of base notes are cinnamon, fern, moss and sandalwood.

Ylang-ylang, lemongrass and neroli are middle notes while bergamot, lemon, orange and orchid are examples of top notes.

There are also oils extract from animals but those who detest this can rely on synthetic oils instead.

Since some essential oils do not blend well with others, a bridge note is needed to blend it together. The last thing to add before this is stored for a couple of days is a little ethyl alcohol. This may not always be available so many recommend the use of vodka instead.

After two days of storage, the last thing to do will be to mix this with distilled water. This should be filtered so any solid elements are removed and the liquid can be transferred to the plastic bottle.

It does not take a rocket scientist to come up with a fragrance. This takes practice which is just like excelling in a sport. The only reason why some companies make it so complex is because others mix different notes all together to come up with the desired result.

Those who are just doing this for fun can make homemade perfume using rose petals. But those who plan to turn this into a business should be prepared to turn the kitchen or an empty room in the house into a mini laboratory.

The person does not have to do everything through trial and error because there are books and other sources to get this information. Some even mention the recipe for a certain concoction which will serve as a guide for anyone who wants to get started.

Some of the concoctions produced will not do that good as hoped. Instead of throwing it out, there are other things that the entrepreneur can do with it.

The mixture can be used as an air freshener, for aromatherapy, to make scented paper and more. After all, the ingredients that are used to make these other products are the same as perfumes and it can still be put to good use.

Making a perfume is personal. So, the person has to figure out what scents work for the individual and others out there so there is direction when for making these concoctions.

Youthful And Vibrant Skin

Billions are spent each year on cosmetic products that promise to delete wrinkles, lighten age spots, and eliminate itching, flaking, or redness. But the simplest and cheapest way to keep your skin healthy and youthful looking is to stay out of the sun.

Sunlight is a major cause of wrinkles, dryness, and age spots. Your skin does change with age. For instance, you sweat less which leads to increased dryness. Aging skin becomes thinner and loses fat, so it looks less plump and smooth. Underlying structures, veins and bones in particular, become more prominent. Your skin can also take longer to recover when injured.

These changes can be drastically delayed by staying out of the sun. Although nothing can totally undo sun damage, the skin sometimes can restore itself. So, it’s never too late to protect yourself from the harmful results of the sun.

5 Ways to Slow the Aging Process:

1. Wear protective clothing. A hat with a wide brim shades your neck, ears, eyes, and head. Look for sunglasses with a label saying the glasses block 99 to 100 percent of the sun’s rays. Wear loose, lightweight, long-sleeved shirts and long pants or long skirts when in the sun.

2. Check your skin often. Look for changes in the size, shape, color, or feel of birthmarks, moles, and spots. If you find any changes that worry you, see a doctor. The American Academy of Dermatology suggests that older, fair-skinned people have a yearly skin check by a doctor as part of a regular physical exam.

3. Avoid artificial tanning. Don’t use sunlamps and tanning beds, as well as tanning pills and tanning makeup. Tanning pills have a color additive that turns your skin orange after you take them. The FDA has approved this color additive for coloring foods but not for tanning the skin. The large amount of color additive in tanning pills may be harmful. Tanning make-up products are not suntan lotions and will not protect your skin from the sun.

4. Use sunscreen. Sunscreens are rated in strength according to a sun protection factor (SPF), which ranges from 2 to 30 or higher. A higher number means longer protection. Buy products with an SPF number of 15 or higher. Also look for products whose label says: broad spectrum (meaning they protect against both types of harmful sun rays(UVA and UVB) and water resistant (meaning they stay on your skin longer, even if you get wet or sweat a lot). Remember to reapply the lotion as needed.

5. Stay out of the sun. Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. This is when the sun?s UV rays are strongest. Don?t be fooled by cloudy skies. Harmful rays pass through clouds. UV radiation also can pass through water, so don’t assume you?re safe if you?re in the water and feeling cool.

6 Steps To Super Sleek Stylish Hair

Whether you want to look great for a party and have all afternoon to get ready, or just want to smarten up before a meeting, there are things to do to get your hair looking great and give your confidence a real boost.

Super Hair Tip Number 1:

Shampoo properly. By this, I mean that you should invest in a top quality salon shampoo that matches your hair type, if you have coloured hair, make sure that the formulation of your shampoo is suitable, likewise if your hair is thin, greasy, blonde, or brunette, talk to your stylist, and get them to advise you on what they think is best. Too many people simply pick something off the supermarket shelf and home for the best, when what they really need is a shampoo that suits them.

Super Hair Tip Number 2:

Condition deeply. Hair conditioners have a formulation that will add body and shine to your hair. You know how uncomfortable and scratchy clothes are if you don’t use a fabric conditioner, well hair is the same. Also, a good conditioner will help to keep your hair static free, which will reduce frizziness even more. Massage the conditioner from root to tip and leave it to work its magic and make your hair look really healthy and shiny before rinsing it thoroughly.

Super Hair Tip Number 3:

Dry your hair well. Modern hair dryers will not harm your hair as much as they used to, but if you are going to use a blow dryer to get your hair dry quickly, make sure you keep it moving over your hair and dry it evenly to avoid overheating. If you have the time, use the dryer on a cool setting to avoid damage.

Super Hair Tip Number 4:

Use a good Serum. There are a huge variety of great products around that are designed to smooth your hair. Most salons will be able to point you in the direction of a serum such as Frizz-ease that will help to keep your hair looking great. Generally hair serums work in three ways, by relaxing the hair, smoothing it, and reducing the potential for it to attract the static electricity that will cause it to frizz up.

Super Hair Tip Number 5:

Use good quality hair straighteners. Most people find that the cheaper hair straighteners do not do a very good job. You might find that they do not get hot enough to iron out the kinks properly on a single pass, and are not slippery enough to allow your hair to pass through smoothly. Opt for ceramic or glass heating plates, and make sure that there is an adjustable temperature. GHD straighteners are the one of the most popular brands around and ae commonly used in salons all around the world. Their plates get hot fast, and are extra smooth to make styling your hair easy, all of which makes them a real favourite in salons around the world. Ceramic plates will help discharge the static electricity from your hair too, and leave it looking straight for longer.

Super Hair Tip Number 6:

Eat well. Your hair is nourished by what you eat and drink, and will never look good if you don’t eat a balanced diet with lots of vitamins and minerals. Hair is mostly made of protein, so make sure your diet includes plenty. Drink water too, as this will flush impurities out of your body and keep you healthy.

Laser Hair Removal The Basics

Laser hair removal is getting more popular everyday. Most of us have our own conceptions about this treatment. it is important to know the science and the art of laser hair removal before you decide to get treated with lasers for hair removal.

What is laser- laser is the concentrated beam of light that is made of a single wavelength. This beam does not scatter light around but focuses it on one point. Therefore the energy emission is very high. In hair removal this laser energy is used to heat and burn the hair follicles. The full name of laser is Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.

How laser removes hair- when laser is focused on skin, it get attracted to the pigment of the hair follicle. The laser heats the hair follicles and burns it at the root. The darker the color of the hair, better the results. Similarly the skin should be light colored otherwise the skin also attracts laser and gets blistered. With latest developments this possibility is getting eliminated, but you must talk to your physician about your hair and skin color and the results expected.

Please find out more about the number of treatments you may need, the expectation of results, the side effects and the proficiency of the technician before you proceed for treatment.

This article is only for informative purposes. This article is not intended to be a medical advise and it is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Please consult your doctor for your medical concerns. Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

A Sound Way To Treat Hearing Loss In Children

There’s good news for parents who have a child born with significant hearing loss. Advances in technology are making it possible to address profound hearing loss in children as young as 12 months of age.

Approximately one of every 1,000 newborns in the United States-about 33 babies per day-is born profoundly deaf.

Fortunately, there are treatment alternatives. For example, cochlear implants are small, complex, implantable electronic devices that restore hearing by bypassing the damaged parts of the ear to directly stimulate the auditory nerve, and may be beneficial to those who cannot hear or understand speech well with a hearing aid.

One of the latest developments in cochlear implant technology is the HiResolution

Dealing With Dandruff


Although the cause of dandruff is not completely understood, it is currently theorized that one of the main causes is a breakdown of the scalps natural lipid barrier, leaving it more exposed to infection by the microscopic yeast that is commonly found in the scalp. When the yeast overgrows, it leads to an inflammatory response that kills off scalp cells at a high rate, which in turn slough off in sticky patches and flakes.

The condition is identified by:

- White or clear flakes on the scalp, through the hair, and on clothing.

- Itchy scalp which may be red and inflamed.

Some young teens find they develop dandruff when they hit puberty because their hygiene habits haven’t changed to meet the challenges of newly accelerated sebum production.

Stress, poor hygiene and poor diet can make the scalp more susceptible to dandruff. High sugar foods in particular are known to exacerbate yeast infections.

The hair should be brushed regularly to loosen flakes and stimulate blood supply to the scalp, which will accelerate the natural immune response to infection.


There are few habits you can develop and natural treatments you can use to treat dandruff.

Nutrition: An excess of sugar in the diet can exacerbate any yeast infection. Try reducing your intake of all sugars and refined starches while treating for dandruff.

Cleansing: Massage your scalp thoroughly with your fingertips when shampooing. This will help loosen and remove any dead skin flakes and help prevent the infection from continuing. Wash your hair daily until the infection is cleared up.

Conditioning: Use a protective hair condition on the ends of hair only. Avoid getting conditioner on your scalp where it can clog pores and interfere with healing of the skin.

Other Treatments:

- Massage: Massaging your scalp several times a day with the pads of the fingers only will stimulate blood supply to the hair follicles and help loosen the dead skin flakes.

- Brushing: Brushing your hair thoroughly on a daily basis will help loosen and remove dead skin flakes, increase the smooth flow of sebum along the hair shaft, and increase blood supply to the hair follicles.

- Wash Hands After Brushing and Grooming Hair: Fungal infections of the skin are highly contagious, and it is easy to reinfect and spread to other areas of the body. This is why it’s important to wash your hair daily and to brush out any loose dandruff flakes – so that healthy areas of the scalp will not be infected. Washing your hands after brushing, massaging and grooming your hair will also help prevent reinfection or cross infection.

The following herbs and nutrients have been shown to reduce dandruff infections:

Natural Internal Treatments for Dandruff

Alpha-Lipoic Acid, Vanadyl Sulfate, Gynema Sylvestre and Chromium are all natural regulators of blood sugar levels. The can help prevent feeding the infection by keeping blood sugar levels normalized.

Olive Leaf and Oregano Leaf are both natural systemic antifungal agents.

Natural External Treatments for Dandruff

The following herbs can be used as a tonic for reducing fungal infections on a topical basis. Extracts of these herbs or a several drops of their essential oils dissolved in aloe vera gel or witch hazel can greatly relieve the symptoms of itching and flaking in dandruff. Tea tree oil is particularly effective against fungal and bacterial infections.
  • Clary Sage
  • Desert Sage 
  • Eucalyptus
  • Fumitory
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Ginsen
  • Grapefruit Seed Extract
  • Grapefruit Essential Oil
  • Grapeseed Extract
  • Juniper Berry Essential Oil
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Lemongrass
  • Myrtle
  • Oregano
  • Poike Root

Seven Steps For Keeping Teeth Healthy For A Lifetime

A smile can last a lifetime-if you take care of it. For that reason, it’s important for parents to instill good oral health habits in children as early as possible.

According to U.S. Surgeon General Richard H. Carmona’s “National Call to Action to Promote Oral Health” report, children lose more than 51 million school hours and adults lose more than 164 million work hours each year due to dental disease or dental visits. The nation’s total bill for dental services was estimated to be more than $70.1 billion in 2002.

“Oral health disease is making disturbing inroads into communities across the country,” Dr. Marsha Butler, Colgate-Palmolive’s Vice President, Global Oral Health and Professional Relations, explains. “For children between the ages of 5 and 17 here in the U.S., tooth decay is more common than asthma, more common than hay fever, and it poses a significant threat to our children’s overall health and well-being.”

Recently, during the celebration of National Children’s Dental Health Month, Colgate and Dr. Carmona unveiled “The U.S. Surgeon General’s Seven Steps to a Bright Smile,” tips that were developed, with a grant from Colgate-Palmolive, to help keep teeth and gums strong and healthy:

1. Brush teeth and gums with fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day, especially after eating breakfast and before bedtime.

2. Visit the dentist regularly.

3. Floss your teeth daily.

4. Use fluoride rinse for strong, healthy teeth and gums.

5. Limit the number of times you eat snacks each day-and remember to practice healthy eating and get plenty of calcium.

6. Wear a mouthguard when playing sports.

7. Ask your dental professional about dental sealants.

Through its Bright Smiles, Bright Futures program, Colgate has reached more than 50 million children with free dental screenings, treatment referrals and oral health education. The company is more than halfway to meeting a public commitment it made to reach 100 million children with these services by the year 2010. Bright Smiles, Bright Futures empowers children to take control of their oral health and helps to generate greater awareness about the importance of maintaining good dental hygiene.

Swallow To Glow A Holistic Approach To Skin Health

Swallow To Glow A Holistic Approach To Skin Health

The skin is the largest organ in the body. It defends against disease and infection, regulates temperature and even aids in vitamin production. Keeping skin healthy is crucial for beauty and general health, even if most of us are interested in knowing how to keep skin looking healthy, rather than really keeping it healthy.

The best way to keep skin looking healthy – young, fair, radiant, supple, soft and wrinkle free – is to keep out of the sun.

Ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun bring about a healthy-looking tan, but do much damage to the skin in terms of pigmentation, sunburn and loss of elasticity. These can lead to premature aging in the form of wrinkles, fine lines, sagging, dark skin, uneven skin tone, loss of translucency, enlarged pores and dryness. Even the best of genetics, topical skin lightening treatments and oral skin supplements would be of little use if one tans mercilessly and regularly.

Keeping out of the sun helps, but if you cannot avoid it, you will have to ensure that you use a sunscreen. This is especially crucial if sun exposure is for an extended period of time.

Assuming that one is already sensible about sun exposure, how can we then further improve our skin condition? We know that certain oral supplements are effective for good skin health, but which are these supplements and how effective are they?

Supplement From Within

The first group would be vitamins and minerals, essential for proper functioning of every organ.

The vitamins and minerals that can affect skin health include the B-complex, especially B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin) and B12 (cyancobalamine). Overt deficiencies of vitamins B1 and B2 are known to cause special forms of dermatitis (a kind of skin inflammation). B12 deficiency is particularly detrimental to neurons and rapidly dividing cells, including skin cells.

Besides the B vitamins, deficiency of vitamin C, iron and copper also affect skin health. All three are important for the synthesis of collagen, a key structural protein in the skin, which fills the skin and gives it tone.

Vitamin A is critical for the normal life cycle of skin cells. Vitamin A deficiency causes skin to become dry, fragile and prone to wrinkles. On the other hand, excessive Vitamin A intake may cause serious toxicity and should be avoided.

Vitamins C and E, and beta-carotene have been touted as anti-oxidants that reduce free radicals. (Free radicals result in skin degeneration and aging.) However, while free radicals and the role of anti-oxidants are beyond doubt, clinical results have not conclusively proved if supplementary vitamins and other micronutrients improve the skin quality and defy the aging process.

Excessive doses can be just as harmful as deficiencies, so it is best to abide by the recommended daily allowance (RDA).

Topical Help

Oral supplements should go hand-in-hand with topical applications – sunscreen of at least SPF 30, creams (preferably with skin whitening agents) and moisturizer (preferably with skin lightening agents). Compared with topical applications, the effects of oral supplements are slower and more subtle. Consumers have to be realistic about their expectations because results certainly will not be seen in 7 days or 2 weeks.

We recommend a holistic approach to skin health, comprising:

* A healthy balanced diet comprising all food groups as well as vitamins, minerals and micronutrients.

* Keep a happy positive mood. It is well documented that some skin conditions – such as acne and eczema – are more prevalent among the stressed.

* If you smoke, quit smoking. Smoke causes free radicals, damages the microcirculation of skin and also causes staining of teeth and other discoloration.

* Minimize sun exposure and use a good sunscreen on a daily basis.

Copied with permission from:

Sunday, 20 April 2014

Top 20 Java Websites

Here’s the superlative 20 Java websites in my collections, which provides hottest Java news, articles and tutorials. If you maintain other lofty Java websites, please leave a comment to share with others.

1. O’Reilly Java

Since : 10-feb-2000
Rss :
Description : O’Reilly’s, contains latest Java technology news, quality code snippets, full example and detail explanation.

2. Sun Developer Network (SDN)

Since : 19-mar-1986
Rss :
Description : The official Java developer website, always get the latest Java related news here.


Since : 21-dec-1995
Rss :
Description : Java news and articles in


Since : 18-jun-1997
Rss : None
Description : The Java community website hosted by Oracle.

5. IBM’s Developerworks

Since : 19-mar-1986
Rss :
Description : Java news and articles in IBM’s Developerworks.

6. Java World

Since : 22-nov-1995
Rss :
Description : Well-known Java websites, you just can’t miss this one.

7. Devx

Since : 26-sep-1997
Rss :
Description : Java news and articles in


Since : 05-jan-2000
Rss :
Description : Java community to discuss the server side development.

9. Big Moose Saloon

Since : 27-aug-2004
Rss : Vary in topic, visit
Description : Friendly and popular Java forum.

10. Stack Overflow

Since : 26-dec-2003
Rss :
Description : Well-known generic programming Q & A site organized by tags. Java topics included.

11. jGuru

Since : 16-sep-1997
Rss : None
Description : Java articles and Q&A style forum.

12. Official Java Tutorials

Since : Unknown
Rss : None
Description : The Official Java tutorials from Oracle.

13. Java Blogs Aggregator

Since : 25-nov-2002
Rss :
Description : Blogs aggregator for many active Java-based blogs.

14. Java-Source.Net

Since : 25-feb-2004
Rss : None
Description : Java frameworks collection site. Well organized.

15. Java Lobby

Since : 17-may-1998
Rss :
Description : The heart of the Java developer community.

16. Jdocs

Since : 01-jul-2004
Rss : None
Description : Search engine for Java API documentation.


Since : 07-nov-2004
Rss : None
Description : Many Java programming tutorials and source code example, well organized by categories.

18. Java Tips

Since : 22-Apr-2005
Rss : None
Description : Many quick and Java source code example.

19. RoseIndia

Since : 23-may-2000
Rss : None
Description : Collection of Java tutorials, cover wide range of Java topics.

20. Mkyong

Since : 30-oct-2007
Rss :
Description : Cover wide range of the Java tutorials : Spring, Hibernate, Struts, Struts 2…